University of Montreal Track Test (UMTT)

The Université de Montréal Track Test (UMTT) is a continuous maximal multistage running field test based on the energy cost of running, first described by Léger & Boucher (1980). Leger went on to develop the beep test using this test as a basis (and consequently this test is not now commonly used). The audio recording for this test was available on the Fit Test CD, however, this is no longer available. You may be able to use the test speed details below to recreate an audio track to conduct the test.

Equipment Required: running track, marker cones, audio cd, recording sheets and pen.

Course layout: place cones at 25m intervals around a 200 to 400m running track.

Preparations: Make sure the participants are adequately prepared: well-rested, hydrated and fueled, and familiar with the test procedure and motivated to perform maximally. Give clear instructions about the test and what is expected of them.

Procedure: All participants should line up with a foot behind the starting line. If there is a large number of participants, you may split the group and have them start at different points around the track (this requires more assistants and closer attention to their performance). The participants begin running when instructed by the audio recording. The athletes continue running in time with the audio signals with no rest period. An audio signal is made every 30 seconds, at a time they should be adjacent to a cone, to assist the participant to keep up to the required pace. They must continue for as long as they can - the test is ceased when the subject falls 2 or more meters short of the designated marker, or when the subject feels they cannot continue the stage. Strong verbal encouragement should be given to encourage maximal effort.

Test Timing: There does not seem to be a standard in terms of the running speeds for the Track test. The first paper to present this test (Léger & Boucher, 1980) describes the first stage as a walking speed of 6 km/hr (which requires 5 Mets); thereafter the speed is increased by 1.2 km/hr (1 Met) every two minutes (though it was not as simple as this in a table in the article listing the speeds of each stage). Since then, the procedure used for the UMTT has varied, with a different starting speed and/or increment duration. Berthoin et al. (1990) started the test at 8 km/hr with 1 km/hr increments every two minutes, which appears to be the most commonly used procedure. Other examples include Rampinini et al. (2007) who used an 8km/hr starting speed with 1 km/hr increments, though the speed was increased very minute. Dupont et al. (2010) used 1 km/hr increments every two minutes, though starting the test at 10km/hr.

Scoring: the participant's score is the total distance covered in meters.


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